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  • You will be able to have greater control and closeness with your work team.
  • Your employees will strengthen their sense of belonging with this benefit, which will increase their productivity.
  • Your company's competitiveness and effectiveness will benefit because it will improve your employees' punctuality and attendance.

Unfortunately, the country is not going through the best situation, so if your company starts activities very early or they end late, hiring personnel transportation is an excellent option to avoid risks during the trip and guarantee your safety.

Metropolitan and industrial areas usually have a greater flow of population that translates into excessive traffic and delays in the staff of your organization, that is why having a transportation service for your employees’ hand in hand with a strategy in time reduction will improve their punctuality.

Of course, especially due to the health situation that the world is going through nowadays, since it avoids the risk of contagion in public transportation, besides avoiding that your collaborators have to travel on their own, saving them gasoline expenses and guaranteeing their safety.

The safety of all passengers is of great importance, therefore all hygiene and safety measures must be taken, such as the mandatory use of mouth masks inside the units, the sanitization of the units to prevent COVID-19 infection, taking the temperature of your employees prior to entry and the application of antibacterial gel when boarding and disembarking.
